Our Process

Granite Manufacturing Process

The Complete process of Manufacturing Granite consists of Extraction followed by Block Selection, Cutting, Grinding, Epoxy Application, and then finally polishing it. We accomplish all these stages with utmost dedication to producing state-of-the-art slabs of  stone.

Extraction and Selection:

Extraction, also commonly called Quarrying, is the process of removing slabs of stone from the identified granite mines using various techniques. Different techniques used in the quarrying process, result in variations in the physical properties of the stone.

Extraction includes drilling holes around the perimeter of the stone or using hydraulic splitters to separate it from the mine. Later, heavy machinery lifts the raw deposit from the quarry. Checking of Quality, presence of cracks, and other variations of the deposit takes place. Once the deposit passes the above tests, the process of cutting begins.


The Process of cutting and shaping the stone is generally accomplished using a diamond wire- saw. Once this is done, we matte the blocks to ensure that there are no cracks or breakages. Now, the slabs move further down the process, towards the Gang Saw and inturn to the Cutter.

Gang-saw & Cutter:

In this stage, the slab is covered with cement and is left to dry overnight. Doing this reduces the heat released from cutting and prevents sparks.
Every few hours, the blocks and machinery are observed to ensure straight cuts.


Once the slabs are cut, it is sent for the grinding process. Grinding is a process to smoothen the surface of the grainy slabs of granite. The Grinding machine consists of a power-driven grinding wheel that spins at a set rate. Water is used in this process to diminish friction heat.


Epoxy resin is applied to the surfaces of the granite slabs. Epoxy Application fills even the minute pores present in the block. The granite, firstly, is heated so that it absorbs the resin completely and hardens. Epoxy Chemicals are paired with the right colors to look indistinguishable on the surface.


Polishing is the ultimate stage of the whole manufacturing process. This step removes excessresin and smoothens